3 First Time Passes on 3 consecutive days.

3 First Time Passes on 3 consecutive days.

3 First Time Passes on 3 consecutive days. We have now hit a first time pass rate of 75% for 2020 even with 2 lockdowns. The Academy is very proud of the determination and quality of their students and also their instructors who guide and coach them to these great...


COVID-19 UPDATE & LOCKDOWN NOV 2020 Update Re : Lockdown We know last night’s news would not have come as a complete shock to many, but nevertheless it is news which will have had a jarring effect on all trainers & students with lessons and tests booked...
3 more AMAZING 1st Time passes for our Academy

3 more AMAZING 1st Time passes for our Academy

3 more AMAZING 1st Time passes for our Academy 3 more AMAZING 1st Time passes for our Academy. Congratulations to Joe, Oliver and Becky on passing their driving tests first time with our Academy. The Isle of Wight Driving Academy is proud to have three exceptional...
Another 6 First Time Passes with our Academy

Another 6 First Time Passes with our Academy

Another 6 First Time Passes with our Academy The I.O.W Driving Academy is so proud of another batch of 1st Time Passes by our amazing students. Our Instructors are working hard to keep up the very high standards here at the Academy. The Isle of Wight Driving Academy...